[Wolves] meeting topic?

Steve wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Feb 8 16:38:01 2003

08/02/2003 15:59:41, Adam Sweet <drinky76@yahoo.com> wrote:

>They wouldn't do us for using their name though would
>they? I would be a s***ter if they were unhappy a I
>think it looks great.

Hmmm! I suppose I could email them? I'd like to think they'd be cool about it ...its not like 
we're selling anything, so we'll see :-)

>I think that the $>cd /pub one is also pretty good, at
>first I thought it needed a bit more on it, but then I
>thought thats the beauty of it, it's aimed at geeks,
>particularly *nix heads, like an 'in' joke.

Again, i saw this online as a t-shirt,so its probably a bit naughty - but the beauty of that one 
is that I'm sure we could come up with loads of our own varients if need be..
