[Wolves] Postering Campaign

Jono Bacon wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jan 6 15:55:01 2003

--- Aquarius <aquarius-lists@kryogenix.org> wrote:
> This is a good idea, this. It might be good to have
> them built in some kind
> of word processing format -- RTF? Or OpenOffice.org
> Writer format? Images
> scale notoriously badly and it's a PITA to print
> them. Even PDF or
> PostScript might be OK.

It seems that OpenOffice.org Writer is the best option
for a word processed format. I will look into getting
some of these posters developed and then you can put
some out. :)

It would be cool for us to put them out across the
region (I think we have LUG members who live across
the W.Midlands) and then we can increase our catchment
area. :)

> Naturally, I shan't be doing any of this, because I
> have the artistic
> ability of a rubber hammer. I'll happily put posters
> up in Stourbridge,
> though :-)

I dunno...maybe these days a rubber hammer is
considered a declaration of independence for artistic
guinea pigs who have a desire to free themselves from
the facist and moralistic views of elephants...


Jono Bacon - http://jono.dyndns.org/
KDE Developer - Freelancer - Musician

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