[Wolves] Server down

Jono Bacon wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jan 10 12:46:00 2003

--- steve parkes <stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com>
> Shouldn't that be Mr Aq can you unf**k the server
> please as I may have 
> inadvertantly connected to port 80 at some point in
> the last few mins.

At the bequest of my own polite invention could the
kind gent known as Aq please refrain from 'sh**ging up
the f**king **** of a server that is not f**king on'.
Thankyou for this moment of jest and jape. :)

> Jono, you really should be more careful not to upset
> ppl ;-) remember that 


> Aq is a person as well.

Only in the eyes of the govenment. ;)


Jono Bacon - http://jono.dyndns.org/
KDE Developer - Freelancer - Musician

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