[Wolves] Wiki

Matthew Revell wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Jun 4 11:55:01 2003

On Wed, 04 Jun 2003 10:36:01 +0000, s parkes 
<stephenparkes1972@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> Ach, I will one day. Right now, I'm mentally cursing the people 
>> responsible for the differences in Opera, Mozilla and IE's CSS 
>> rendering.

> Just work to the standards and bugger everyone else www.alistapart.com 
> has a designercentric look at cross browser development.

I don't mind the minor things but this was fairly major. It worked fine in 
Opera and IE but looked crap in Mozilla. Anyway, I've resorted to something 
I thought I'd never do on ContentPeople ... I've used a table for layout. 
It's held within a CSS controlled <div> and is only for one very small 
thing, so don't shout at me Aq :-D

> Stick to standard CSS and you know that eventully it will work, don't be 
> tempted to rely on none standard features unless you want to be browser 
> sniffing for the rest of your life.

Oh Lordy, I don't do any browser sniffing. That's far too much like hard 
work :)