[Wolves] Testing my mailserver

Wayne Morris wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jun 19 12:19:03 2003

Ok, whose the wise guy ;-)

Someone mailed me at 9.21 this morning:

Return-Path: <root@machx.co.uk>
Received: from localhost (80.195.138-11.stb.ubr01.du.blueyonder.co.uk
        [] (may be forged)) by webserve.machx.co.uk
        with SMTP id h5J8Lc5K007467 for root@webserve.machx.co.uk; Thu,
19 Jun 2003
        09:24:15 +0100
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 09:21:38 +0100
From: root@machx.co.uk
Message-Id: <200306190824.h5J8Lc5K007467@webserve.machx.co.uk>
X-Evolution-Source: pop://wayne@
Subject: No Subject
Mime-Version: 1.0

hello just testing as per the lug list 

see you soon 
this is not open relay but can be a pain 


The address is a blueyonder network department, and the
from is my root mail address at my server!

So is my mailserver secure or not? 

Thanks guys

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