[Wolves] Just in case the pub is shut...

Jono Bacon wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed May 28 12:51:01 2003

Hi all,

As we know...the fatball freaks will be out tonight to
wish the wanderers well when the parade back into

Hence, there is a possibility the pub may be shut. I
called the Moon and they say they should be open - and
I think it should be cool as it is just the Wolves
fans and they are all on the same side (i.e; not
playing other teams).

Anyway, if the moon is shut...let's head over to the
Goose in the city or whatever it is called. I will
hang about the pub when I get there for a while also.

Seeya tonight folks. :D


Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Web Developer - Musician - Writer - Freelancer

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