[Wolves] e mails

Wayne Morris wayne at machx.co.uk
Thu Oct 23 10:15:10 BST 2003

On Thu, 2003-10-23 at 07:42, david wrote:
> Dear All,
> Am having some strange e mail problems.
> I can e mail within this country, but I cannot send to sweden or icq mail addresses.
> This is the same whether I use Thunderbird or Sylpheed-Claws (what a name for an e mail prog'). Have just sent a test mail to sweden from 
> Evolution in case it's the two previously mentioned program settings
> (unlikely cus i can send within the UK)
> Anyone know of any anti-linux policy at blueyonder or had any similar experiences?
> lurv
> nux

Are you using sendmail to send mail directly or thru BY smtp?

Just that if you use sendmail ,occaisonaly you will come across a mail receiver that refuses to accept mail
 from senders using a BY residential ip addy, as part of a spam blocking policy.

I haven't really been following it, but its something to do with the new IP range recently acquired
by BY recently in the 82.X  range - these have either not yet beem accepted by the world as legit or
they were previuosly used by spammers - depending on whose story you hear.


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