[Wolves] Black Country LUG?

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Apr 6 15:53:37 BST 2004

On Tue, 2004-04-06 at 15:40, Matthew Revell wrote:

> I wonder if the Krays would be extorting money through DOS (denial of 
> service) attack threats on betting websites, if they were operating 
> today. I think we all know the Krays by sight, though: they look 
> *exactly* like Martin and Gary Kemp.

Ah well I was being low key, the old man didn't swap spit with them but
walked/ran past them occasionally on the street.

Ronnie would have loved Python though and probably would be offering
protection visa via Firewall.

As for Martin & Gary they were better when they were in Spandau Ballet
and before the group made it big I saw them play at a rotten seedy club
and they just blew me away.

Then they made gold and I burnt their records (Round black things you
played with a needle).



Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

I sit on a mans back chocking him and making him carry me 
and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for
him and wish to ease his lot by any means possible except
getting off his back!

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