[Wolves] MCSE 'again'

Simon Burke its_simon_burke at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 8 14:48:25 BST 2004

On 8/4/04 2:39 pm, "TriG" <carl at fr0st.co.uk> wrote:

> Simon,
> You wasn't.. You were nervous and I think you settled in well... Welcome
> to the LUG anyways :) Enjoy the funky pie?
Oakies fair enuff I just felt that I was. Cheers for the welcome by the way
> SO?

Sorry SO =Significant other.
 Dan knows her and he can vouch that shes a gr8 woman but shes slightly
intellectually challenged, though shes now got her own fedora box and she
can use vi better than me.
Its only cuz I was brought up on emacs and that¹s my excuse.

Anyway its great to finally be able to put a face to some of the people here
and I'll try and show up earlier so I can actually get drinkin though I can
nay have the alcohol.

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