[Wolves] Linux and Exchange / Outlook

Mark Ellse mark.ellse at physics.org
Wed Apr 28 17:14:28 BST 2004

Katherine Goodwin wrote:

>Dear all,
>After various things to do with shared calendaring coming up on our
>wishlist at work, and after discussions with a few people at the Expo
>(Hello Ron *wave*), including some customers of ours, it seems that one
>of the things that prevents some people in businesses from feeling that
>they can try to convince people to move to Linux is the lack of the
>shared calendaring bit of outlook and exchange.
There is a calendar bolt-on for Mozilla Thunderbird. This has the 
ability to share calendars and, I believe, Thunderbird contacts via a 
webdav server (a bolt-on bit to Apache).

I have not tried it. But the great advantage is that it can be used with 
both Windows and Linux.


Mark Ellse

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