[Wolves] PGP

Jon Farmer jonfarmer at enta.net
Thu Aug 12 11:31:57 BST 2004

Peter Cannon wrote:

> The only good method is Verisign Digital Identity with that you have to supply 
> your passport or drivers license to prove you are who you say you are and pay 
> a yearly fee your identity can then be verified by Verisign the ones you 
> produce yourself ain't worth the paper they're printed on as anyone could 
> have produced them so its a bit pointless really.

Err I have to disagree. Passports and driving licences are increasing 
stolen and forged. Also while I am not suggesting Verisign or any other 
third party signing authority are not to be trusted they never 
personally know the person they are digitally signing.

PGP works on a web of trust and is the best method I have ever seen of 
being certain of an identity. I only ever sign and trust public keys of 
people I have met in person and have had the key provided to me in 
person. I would never implicitly trust a verisign identity as I have not 
control over it whereas if I have signed a key I would implicitly trust 
it for my use only.

How about a WLUG key signing party sometime.. :-)

Jon Farmer
Systems Programmer
Entanet International Ltd
GPG Fingerprint ABCB 6E92 59B8 001F FE9C  0817 A2D6 0151 FF49 9040

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