[Wolves] Re: Wolves Digest, Vol 65, Issue 1 Plone, Zope and Typo3

kev adams kev at magicmoon.co.uk
Mon Dec 13 11:18:23 GMT 2004

On Monday 13 Dec 2004 11:05, hb004e3078 at blueyonder.co.uk wrote:
> Hello All,
> I want to set up sites for other users to maintain. The sites are usually
> political, so they need to be as up-to-the-minute as poss. The people that
> do the editing are not interested in learning a complicated proceedure and
> of course being political we don't want any opposition monkeying around in
> our site.
> I have done a lot of work ploughing through the documentation on Zope and
> have intalled Plone, only to find in a FAQ that it is not suitable for a
> small site or aan ISP hosted server!!!!!!

I've been running a community site for a while using mambo - it's about as 
easy as it gets for users to add new content & there are plenty of third 
party modules to add forums etc.  It's also php/MySQL based so you can set it 
up at most ISP hosts - check that they have the required extensions first 

It uses the usual admin hierarchy of user, author, publisher, administrator 

I've not used phpNuke or postNuke so maybe others could compare functionality 
between them & mambo.

Have a look here http://test.opensourcecms.com/ to try out a few different 
open source CMS


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