[Wolves] Darl McBride in Business Week

sparkes sparkes at phreaker.net
Wed Jan 28 18:05:08 GMT 2004

On Wed, 2004-01-28 at 11:29, Matthew Revell wrote:
> fizzy said:

> >> Apparently, Darl is a committed Mormon (say no more)
> >> and father of seven.
> > Surely it's ungodly to do what he's doing?
> Well, I know very little about Mormon culture but anyone that can believe
> that the Book of Mormon was written on stone tablets which could only be
> read with a pair of glasses given to Joseph Smith by God, must be slightly
> nuts.
Smith, aledgidly, worked at a printers at the time and several printing
plates for a science fiction story went missing at the time.  I can't
find any references to this at the moment but along with scientology and
jedi it is a religion based on fiction. ;-)

I have a copy of the book of mormon somewhere if anyone wants a laugh. I
swapped it for a copy of the morning star with a *very* attractive young
lady from salt lake city ;-)  I wondered if the rumours about the young
ladies from utah where true but she was too much of a good mormon for me
to find out :-(

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