TriG carl at fr0st.co.uk
Sat Jul 10 20:23:49 BST 2004

Hi Tim,

Hope things are well, I've replied underneith your original paragraphs..

Tim T Humpherson wrote:

 > I c-a-n-'-t get the blasted USB modem to connect to the internet!!!  
I even bought an ADSL PCI modem and unplugged the USB one but even so, I 
still can't get it connected to the internet!!
I dont know much about the USB modems but I do know that there is a 
complicated setup to get them working which you'll find on sourceforge. 
Personally I think the frogs 'speedtouch's' are crap. Even if you use 
one for Windows, they add un-neccessary routes to your internet 
connection and also cause a large overhead to any system that runs them...
You purchased a PCI modem? You have no chance, the only ones I know are 
iTEX chipset which had a pre-compiled redhat driver for a kernel that 
wasn't even released at the time. Waste of time...

For the money that you have spent, you would have been better at buying 
a cheap router.. and a cheap network card..

Router:  http://www.solwise.co.uk/adsl-sar-big304ta.htm
They work pretty well, and for £35 you cant go wrong...

Nics: well you can get them 10 to a penny now-a-days and most are 

 > Any ideas???
 > One last thing...  I tried SuSE Pro 9.0 and wondered why the graphics 
gone haywire when at log-on prompt?  When I logged in from keyboard, 
still funny graphics, then I did the CTRL-ALT-DEL and pressed Enter.  
This caused SuSE to go back to the log-on prompt, and the graphics were 
perfect.  Logged back again, it's still perfect.  What's going on?
 > I am WILLINGING to fetch one of you to come to my house, get it 
sorted out for me, especially CONNECTING to Internet, and will take you 
home afterwards.
I live way to far away to take advantage of your offer.. I think you 
should buy a router tim, I really do.. Most of us here, connect in the 
same way, which allows us to use any OS we choose, I even has a beOS 5 
box running which is connected to the internet...

I know this is more cost to your solution, but believe me, its much 


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