[Wolves] Episode 8 LugRadio and the elections

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Jun 1 10:18:38 BST 2004

On Monday 31 May 2004 19:39, Matthew Revell wrote:

> >  It's one of the reasons that I love Lug Radio so much, that is how I
> > wanted it to be
> Ah cool, cheers. That's what we wanted it to be.

Er "crouching down steel helmet in place"

Are you saying LugRadio is going to be a political forum? If so will th BNP be 
on? I don't subscribe to them but I do uphold the "freedom of speech" 

> > Opinion 2: There do seem to be people who post more than others, and
> > it's difficult sometimes to have the confidence to voice an opinion or
> > silly comment without knowing the people involved,

Don't worry about that, sometimes its good not to hold back.

> There are a few people here who post more than others. There's around 80
> people subscribed to the list but only twenty or so who regularly show
> up in postings. Genuinely, everyone is welcome. 

Yeah come on in the more the merrier 

> However, people who want 
> to turn this into a dry, Linux only mailing list, will have great
> difficulty.

Ha ha not true English svine we vill enter your LUG the way we normally do, 
zer back vay, ven ve hav zer larger forces zan you ve vill control things 
plus ze added bonus that your's and others name are on ze list.

> > in fact sometimes I think my flat hair makes me part of the furniture.
> Flat hair?

What about slap heads like me?

> No one will humilate you, mate :) Occassionally, someone might be having
> a bad day and will misread something and snap or whatever, but that's
> their problem. Just sod them (not literally).

What about when I met you in the Hotel carpark on Sunday?

> > So congratulations to "Inner Circle" for what appears to be a very
> > healthy and innovative LUG.
> >
> :-D There genuinely is no inner circle. There are some people who have

Inner circle Inner circle, don't make me invade Poland again!

> made an effort to get involved in LUG activities and so know each other
> better, but other than that, everyone is equally as welcome etc etc etc.

"All animals are created equal"
"Except some animals are more equal than others"
- George Orwell

> > Have lots of fun
> Or in the words of SuSe, "Have a lot of fun".

Yea and not only in a locked, darkened room bent over a screen



Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain
he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer"

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