[Wolves] Pay-for music download sites

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Tue Jun 15 10:36:54 BST 2004

> Pedanticness (is that a word? pedanticity?)

Pedantry. :)

> aside, the real appeal for
> me is that I can just select songs that I have heard on the radio, and
> know that I like.  I've bought albums before, having liked a particular
> song by the artist, and not particularly liked any of the other songs on
> the album.  Its not really about the cost per download, more about the
> freedom to build a collection of songs I really like, for a reasonable
> price. :-)

Well, that's the iTunes selling point. I don't know how DRMed the iTunes
stuff is, and the music industry is trying to kill it anyway -- they've
inflicted a 25% price rise on it already...


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