[Wolves] e-smith - and a question about local domains - now backup strategy

Mark Ellse me at chaseacademy.com
Thu Jun 17 11:09:47 BST 2004

Andy, James and David,

Thanks for your advice about backing up. In the event we have gone for a 
hybrid approach here. We are using a batch file - copy below - which is 
run by Windows Scheduler. It copies a specified folder and its contents 
(including the subdirectories) across to the designated folder on 
backup. It sets and detects the archive switch so that it doesn't copy 
over anything that has not been changed since the previous backup.

Just in case you are impressed, I didn't write it - it was written by 
another of the physics staff here.


REM ===========Batch file to back up a given folder, and its subfolders, 
to \\backup\foldername
REM ---1) Has a parameter been given?
if [%1==[ goto noparam
if [%2==[ goto noparam

REM ---2) Take first parameter as username
set trgt=\\BACKUP\%1

REM Get next filespec

REM ---3) Decide whether the source files exist to avoid error occurring
if [%1==[ goto leave

REM ---3) Copy files across
REM XCOPY /S /E /C %1 %trgt%\%1
XCOPY /M /C /I /R /H /Y /K /S /E %1 %trgt%\%1
goto loop

REM ---Message because no parameter was supplied
ECHO No parameter given
ECHO BCK computer source
ECHO where source is a filespec (can be wildcarded)
goto leave

set trgt=


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