[Wolves] E-mail

Andy Wootton andy.wootton at bcs.org.uk
Wed Jun 23 23:53:09 BST 2004

>Appreciation for a thing because of its closeness
>to the Platonic form of such a thing, its minimal distance from the
>perfect execution, is, I think, possibly *the* thing that makes you a
>hacker rather than a programmer. 

>How small
>does a project have to be before it requires no architect? Or is that a
>ridiculous question with the answer "every project requires an architect"?
If in this context 'hacker' approximately equals 'engineer' then I came 
across the definition:

"An engineer is someone who can make for £1 what any bloody fool could 
make for £100"

So in my opinion, for small projects it all depends on the engineer's 
fee but for larger values of £, the fee becomes insignificant and the 
bloody fool makes £ tend to infinity.


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