[Wolves] Booting to command line in Fedora

Wayne Morris wayne at machx.co.uk
Tue Jun 29 12:39:35 BST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Cannon" <peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk>
> What core are you running? I can tell you a nasty way that may work, have
> got all three disks? pop disk one in and boot, it will give you some
> rescue and installation now I would probably try installation taking the
> upgrade route no garantee that it would work but it did for me.
> There is another way but I need to find the location, using disk one boot
> rescue option have you got a floppy drive and a spare floppy? cd to the
> location of your Kernel and make a boot disk but select the earlier Kernel
> not the latest one, when you have the boot floppy take the cd disk out
> from the floppy.
> I'm not an expert but if I can help I will I run FC2
> -- 

I'm running FC1, is it worth upgrading to FC2?

Managed to get to the prompt by using the Interactive start, and then not
starting XFS which brought about some 'do you want to diagnose
why your Xserver isn't working, saying no got me to the prompt.

Now trying to fix the original problem was that a Redhat Update of some
stuff died halfway thru and then when X was starting I'd just get a box
saying 'fedora unable to load image-loading module libpng for bluecurve' and
no way of getting passed it.

So just done a 'yum upgrade libpng' and its downloading loads of stuff,
don't know whether it will work.

Typically I can't find my FC1 disc 1, (although I have it on a server
elsewhere if I need to reburn it) and the laptop doesnt have a floppy drive.

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