[Wolves] SuSE'rs

Rob Annable rob at annable.co.uk
Mon Mar 1 21:55:30 GMT 2004

Anybody here use SuSE?

Been having trouble with installing new software.  On the rare occasion I find 
a pre-compiled RPM file (a god send to a newbie like me), it keeps defaulting 
to my install DVD.

For example, when I try to install the latest version of Kopete by downloading 
and chossing to install with YaST, it then ignores the file I downloaded and 
asks me to put in my SuSE install disk so that it can install the one on 
there instead.  I'm not getting very far with updates as you can imagine.

Any suggestions?



p.s - Ron, keep up the great SAMBA tutorials, I'm listening too :)

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