[Wolves] Blueyonder AUP

Wayne Morris wayne at machx.co.uk
Tue Mar 2 02:19:57 GMT 2004

On Tue, 2004-03-02 at 23:02, Matt Warwick wrote:
> >As to advertising your connection, it occurred to me today that there might
> >be some mileage in 
> >using the no-ip redirect service I already have to redirect to say port
> >8080 and then that would 
> >defeat port-scanning on port 80
> Not really, dyndns et al just setup a DNS entry for you on their servers, so
> for example, my forwarder at qbie.homeip.net actually does resolve to my IP,
> so it makes no difference if you attempt to access me via my IP, or through
> my dyndns entry.
> Matt

Ah, but mine allows www.machx.co.uk on port 80 to resolve to 82.17.xxx.xxx. on port YYYY so I 
could advertise my webserver only by name, thus blocking worms crawling Ip addresses.

My other current reason for considering this is that I post to usenet via my webserver IP and 
as one of my favourite pursuits is to see whether the other party to an arguement is running 
a webserver (and thus personally identifiable) by looking at his IP addy in a web browser, it is obviuos that
the favour can be returned - unless you disguise the http port number so that entering Ip address
return '404'.  

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