[Wolves] Off-topic: Worst web hosting website in the UK

Matthew Revell wolveslug at understated.co.uk
Tue Mar 16 15:17:53 GMT 2004

David Goodwin wrote:

> <snip>
> If you need more, Ambition Data Services has almost ten years of 
> experience in supplying services to top UK companies. Try us out for a 
> quote on graphic design, web set up, programming etc.
> <snip>
>  As resellers, we aren't allowed to exactly match the offers available 
> from ValueHost  We aim to make up for that with our level of service and 
> support. An Ambhost customer is also a Valuehost customer, entitled to 
> support from both Ambition Data Services and Valuehost. However, if you 
> would prefer to deal directly and get even more space for your money, 
> please feel free to follow the link or click on the banner below.
> <snip>
> Is this site serious?

I imagine they get some kind of commission on click throughs, from 
Valuehost (whose site is also nothing to write to Jakob about). I hope 
it is serious, as that way it makes me realise the world is even more 
varied than I'd thought.



Matthew Revell.

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