[Wolves] Debian config tools

Aquarius aquarius-lists at kryogenix.org
Mon Mar 22 10:52:16 GMT 2004

Matthew Revell spoo'd forth:
> Howdy all,
> I noticed a thread on this, from back in January, but Jono didn't seem 
> to get an answer.
> Does anyone know of any nice GUI, Debian config tools?

Um, what do you want to configure?


from string import *;import re,base64;w=base64.decodestring('YXF1YXJp'+
'dXNAa3J5b2dlbml4Lm9yZw==');u='['+lowercase+']';print re.sub(u,'-',w)
while filter(lambda x: x in u,w): s=raw_input('Letter:');u=filter\
(lambda x: x != s,u);print re.sub(u,'-',w)

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