[Wolves] Top quoting, bottom quoting, bloody everything quoting

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Mar 22 14:45:20 GMT 2004

On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 14:28, Matthew Revell wrote:
> Peter Cannon wrote:

> It wasn't a dig at you, so don't worry :) It was just an observation; 
> some people get very pissed off about top posting (i.e. quoting a 
> message and writing your reply *above* that quote) but seem to forgive 
> vast swathes of redundant header/signature information quoted, so long 
> as the reply appears below it.
Ah now there's a thing I see a lot of concern about headers and so forth
I don't care about them I just read the mail. This may show the downside
of using text based mail programs rather than a graphical one, you get
all that unimportant crap at the top of the mail which then opens the
paranoia flood gates of "I'm being spammed coz I can't see who its from
in the header" 
> > Mind you while were on the subject Ive seen a
> > couple of cryptic postings today, people are either talking in code or
> > having dual conversations one directly and one via the list so that the
> > list postings make no sense.
> Really? Can't say I've seen anything like that.
Probably me, I have been getting posting confirmations 1 hour after my
posting has appeared again I don't care about the confirmation so long
as it gets through.

Finally me and you will never fall out coz U R 2 Nice a Guy 


Peter Cannon

peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk

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