[Wolves] BBC

fizzy fizzyorguk at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 12:40:19 BST 2004

 --- Peter Cannon <peter at cannon-linux.freeserve.co.uk>

> This is a little bit pricey @ $205.00 for what you
> get When DELL will
> sell you one of their AXIM units (Wireless model)
> for £178.00, and
> before some smarmy pants looks at the exchange rate
> I already did it
> $205.00 = £112.46.

I guess the difference is in the sweatshop used?
theregister outed dell as being a sweatshop abuser and
didn't get sued so...

> Peter Cannon

Peter, I don't know if it's causing anyone else
problems but when you start a new thread instead of
replying it throws me out, any chance you could reply
next time? Thanks.


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