[Wolves] Text size

Simon Burke simonb at geek-web.co.uk
Sat May 1 23:12:50 BST 2004

> Two bloody terabytes? Unicode may complicate matters a bit, but not that
> flamin' much. Do the people you're trying to prove this to have any
> idea how much two terabytes is? Twenty terabytes would hold all the books
> in the Library of Congress.
> I know you know that it's enough, but, like, do they not have a clue?
> Moreover, I'll bet you don't have 2Tb of store to put this database on :)
> Aq.
Nope we dont have 2Tb storage we'd have about 300Gb at a push, but until
last week my boss (the director of a small consultancy company) had me
teach him the differencees betwwen NTFS and FAT32, the idea of subdomains,
and many more pleasntries such as the profile bit in system prefs on 
windoze and gpedit.msc oh and hes supposedly a RAD programmer but he knows
foxpro and nothing else.
Ah, and just to further proove my point, hes diabetic on insulin (fair
enuuf nothin wrong there), but he thought that he'd go on a diet, so hes
fasting every other day and when he does fast he just doesnt take his
insulin either.

So yeah its hard to proove anything to him.

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