[Wolves] MythTV

Schwuk schwuk at schwuk.com
Fri Oct 8 20:32:27 BST 2004

On Fri, 2004-10-08 at 17:30, MatthewRevell.3247378 at bloglines.com wrote:
> Anyone
> got any experience of any of this? 

A friend of mine is heavily into his MythTV - I was going to try to get
him to talk at LugRadio Live if you remember...

He is having a nightmare getting the EPIA board to work correctly his
frontend - he has a few boxes now, one acting as the backend (large,
noisy and in a cupboard) and the others acting a frontends in the living
room and bedroom. I was chatting to him about Jono's MythTV plans today,
and he said something along the lines of:

"If he's going to use a PVR card, go with the EPIA, but if he's planning
on using the built-in hardware it's a lot of hassle."

Mind, he's not heavily into his hacking, so others may have more

Dave Murphy (aka Schwuk)
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