[Wolves] Wireless card

Adam Sweet drinky76 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 9 02:30:12 BST 2004

Firstly thanks Jono returning my card.

I just tried it on my laptop and it worked first time.
This is very impressive. I had to set up the card
using the GUI network set up tool, but it was a piece

This is using SUSE 9 or whatever and included
downloading the Atmel firmware using the System Update
util (I did this during system installation as I knew
I'd need it). As my desktop started I was greeted by a
new hardware notice and clicked the Configure button
and simply specified that it was a wireless card,
supplied the WEP key (encryption password for any none
wireless people) and the SSID (wireless network name)
and that was it.

This is great, I was expecting to spend a day trying
to compile sources and load modules in the right

If any SUSE people are out there looking at a PCMCIA
wireless card, it's a Belkin F5D6020.


Ad - pr0n and mp3s in the garden tomorrow then :)



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