[Wolves] NAT

Jono Bacon jono at jonobacon.org
Fri Sep 10 14:19:14 BST 2004

Simon Burke wrote:
>>If you want something up and running easily. Head over to a computer
>>fair and pick up a cheap and old P1 or PII (or even a 486) for about 20
>>quid and install Smoothwall on it. Make sure you have a couple of
>>network cards in there (one for the cable modem, one for the network and
>>another if you want a public facing mail/web server).
>>Smoothwall is the way and you don't need a degree in networking to
>>understand it.
> We have a few 486's I just remembered about, so i shall use that, the
> only problem now is that I always have problems with smoothwall (well
> getting it working), hence why i have a PIX at home.
> Also i need to get this done by the end of tomorrow, so the computer
> fair would be out too. I hate audits, Im getting really stressed out
> here. :)

Maybe you could pay someone to come in today and do it for you?


Jono Bacon - http://www.jonobacon.org/
Writer / Journalist / Consultant / Developer

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