Fwd: Re: [Wolves] OT: funny websearch

Kevan kevanf1 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Sep 28 14:13:13 BST 2004

 --- Adam Sweet <drinky76 at yahoo.com> wrote: 

> horrified and would have pointed out his error to
> him
> if only he weren't likely to cave my face in with
> his
> low slung, webbed, floor-scuffed hands.
> Ad - doesn't understand how chavs don't get what
> everyone else gets.
> =====

'tis because they are what's commonly known as 'brain
dead'.  :-)

I saw one of these 'chav's' this morning in Cannock. 
Except I think it was a hybrid of some sort.  It had a
chain around its neck alright but it also had a
padlock on it ala Sid Vicious style - remember. 


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