[Wolves] Bit Torrent is rubbish

Alan Pope alan.pope at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 23:00:21 BST 2005

On Apr 1, 2005 12:51 PM, Peter Cannon <peter at cannon-linux.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi All
> This Bit Torrent stuff is crap!!

One thing I've just thought of that may or may not be useful. You
really need to open up some ports on your firewall (assuming you have
one) to allow people to get most out of you. I know you may be
thinking "but hang on I don't want to share this any more than I am",
but thats where the BT "magic" comes in. It DOES make a difference,
the more accessible you are, the more you share, the more you get,
simple as that.

I found opening ports 6881-6889 to the machine doing the downloading
tremendously improved download speed.

Hope that helps.

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