[Wolves] Macs, Linux et al

David Morgan david.morgan at wadham.oxford.ac.uk
Mon Apr 11 14:22:27 BST 2005

On 14:06 Mon 11 Apr     , Adam Sweet wrote:
> Similar for Linux, but the Linux kernel source
> separates out the hardware specific stuff and offers
> support for different processors, so you select your
> processor in the kernel configuration process so it
> knows which architecture to compile for at compile
> time. Obviously never tried it, but for that reason
> you couldn't compile a kernel for a Sparc machine on
> PPC machine as the resultant binaries are specific to
> the processor type it was compiled on and it's
> processor instructions.

I guess you've never heard of cross-compiling then?

> For those reasons a Windows program wouldn't run on
> Linux or Mac OS regardless of architecture unless
> there is some kind of port of the Windows API to
> Linux. Fortunately there is, it's called Wine.
> Obviously it's incomplete as they're chasing a moving
> target.

Not moving very quickly though. I don't think that that's really the problem
though. It's just that re-implementing the win32 API is a bitch (on
account of it not being open)


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