[Wolves] Totally anonymous email

Wayne Morris wayne at machx.co.uk
Wed Jul 20 00:22:21 BST 2005

Stuart Langridge wrote:

>>I'm pretty certain Aq wasn't suggesting that I was looking for
>>a service on behalf of a spammer, either.
>Not in the slightest. However, I'm still not sure why anyone would set
>up such a service to be used by the public, since I think they'd get
>inundated with spammers trying to use said service (and that would
>drown out non-spammer cases like Matt's mate).
The other thing i've thought of that (anonymous to post) email or 
newsgroup access is good for and IS available from providers
at low cost , is where you use a fairly normal usenet group/forum that 
is frequented mostly by ordinary people but you do get the occaisonal
wierdo that takes offence at some simple comment.
Pretty soon they have followed your IP/nym trail across other forums and 
have worked out who you are and where you live and are posting details 
of your life
with incitement to other wierdos to 'have a go' along with threats that 
they 'know where you live'.

I have had this happen to me and so have other people  I know, and the 
weirdo do - they have spent the time to track you down.
You track them down in return, but what are you going to do, 'send the 
boys round' ?.

There are some strange people out there.

So , you can get anonymous posting thru paid for gateways or you could 
do what I could do - (as could most of the contributors here),  set up a 
website for a company, install a hidden webmail portal and post via 
there - any comeback is to a company with 2000 users, pick one! Wierdo 
hasn't got a hope in finding you..

There are some good reasons to be anonymous amongst the many bad 
reasons, remember that.
To be topical, if you wanted to post some 'gossip' about a terrorist 
cell that only you had info on, would you want to hide your tracks?

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