[Wolves] Re: Wolves Digest, Vol 96, Issue 15

roundyz roundyz at hotpop.com
Sat Jul 23 10:57:48 BST 2005

On Saturday 23 Jul 2005 08:28, Dick Turpin wrote:
> Don't hit the reply button first, select the line or paragraph of text you
> want to reply too in the email you're reading e.g hilight it then hit the
> reply button you'll see it rips out just that bit of text, press enter
> after the line that says Jono Bacon wrote (or whatever you've modified it
> to say) so that it leaves a space then plonk you're response under the line
> or paragraph you ripped out with another enter of course.

Cheers, I got it now.


skype:		roundyz
mail:		roundyz at roundyz.com
		roundyz at hotpop.com
www.		roundyz.com

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