[Wolves] cheap s'hand stuff

David Goodwin dg at clocksoft.com
Fri Jul 29 11:27:20 BST 2005

Andrew Lewis wrote:
> Hi,
> Not that I'm pimping nomad at all (ahem...), but we've got a batch of
> lovely s'hand machines in. They come in around the £200-300 mark, Ath
> and Pent 2.2-3Ghz. £50 quid discount for wolveslug people, some have
> nforce chipset and are Very nice machines (dvd rw, etc).

Can you tell me a little more on the specs ? e.g. hard disk? memory? 
onboard sound/graphics ? monitor ? etc

I can get a box (mobo, processor, case, memory) for 99 quid from my 
local shop 
(http://www.cranemicro.com/product/index.php?id=4087&menu=338) and will 
probably need to buy a PC soon for my brother-in-law, so I'm 

*Wonders what Peter C's response will be*

David Goodwin
w: http://www.clocksoft.co.uk
e: david.goodwin at clocksoft.com
t: 0121 313 3850

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