[Wolves] Read This - Re: Goodbye

Bobby Singh bs_wm at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jun 13 15:11:48 BST 2005


--- Efwkub at aol.com wrote:

> Dear Linux enthusiasts in general and Kubuntu people
> in particular, thank you 
> for the assistance I have received on this list.
> With regret I have decided that I do not have enough
> time to use Linux. 
> Unfortunately I have had too many problems, bugs,
> inconsistencies, etc. etc. First 
> with SUSE (as earlier noted I gave up using their
> support as it was going 
> nowhere, slowly). Now with Kubuntu. 
> The number of problems I have had has been
> overwhelming, even though I have 
> only started to look at Kubuntu, i.e. there are a
> great many things I have not 
> looked at or tried yet. 
> If I thus extrapolate the number of problems I would
> have to expect and the 
> time needed to research then try to implement
> possible solutions, and the 
> expected rate of failure and success therein, should
> I try to get a full range of 
> functions to work at all, let alone reliably, I see
> that a totally unrealistic 
> input would be required on my part, for what would
> remain an uncertain result. 
> I accept that Linux software works for some people,
> whether because they are 
> lucky or they are experts, or they pay others who
> are experts. I have had to 
> accept that unless I somehow achieved "advanced
> guru" level I would never be 
> able to count on having a system that worked. And
> that unless I thoroughly 
> checked, tested and modifed any Linux installation I
> had (on every material change) 
> I would always be worrying about it, never able to
> rely on it.
> May I thus respectfully ask that, enthusiastic as
> you are, you moderate your 
> claims so as to reduce the chances of misleading
> people. I came to Linux after 
> years of Windows (which, dire as it is, and much as
> I hate the way MS have 
> treated everyone, looks less bad now). I knew a lot
> of the words and concepts, 
> and I didn't expect an easy time. I expected to have
> to read a lot, and I did. 
> I also had the benefit of a working internet
> connection. Please consider what 
> someone new to computers would do having bought a PC
> expecting to use Linux, 
> alone in a room, and thus without the ability to
> access Google, or your 
> helpful forums and lists etc. 
> Just by way of illustration, I am not asking for
> assistance because I am not 
> going to proceed any further, the problems below
> happened to me in one 
> relatively short session earlier today. They might
> get a few of these or others that 
> I have mentioned. Repeat - please don't trouble to
> advise me on the issues.
> I am very disappointed because I like the open
> source approach, I do respect 
> what has been achieved, I can see that Linux is done
> logically, so that it 
> should be possible to make it work, I wanted to get
> into Linux. And I have had 
> any amount of hassle with Windows (and e.g. Norton
> AntiVirus) over the years. So 
> much so that I will return to typewriter and fax
> rather than go to XP. The 
> 98SE machines I have do act up when pushed but they
> are a bit overloaded, most 
> of the time they are fast, easy to use, highly
> productive. And when they fail 
> they can be re-booted and then work again.
> I therefore wish you all the best but ask that you
> think more carefully about 
> what you say about Linux.
> Thanks, Edward
> ******
> Kuser, try to create a new user "mpd". Am told
> (something like) "cannot 
> create home directory for mpd it is null or invalid"
> Not sure how something that hasn't been created can
> be invalid, but try to 
> enter 
> /home/mpd myself, get message "Kuser crashed caused
> signal 11 SIGSERV"
> Decide to try to create a folder myself for mpd,
> using Konsole
> Open Konsole then, to get power to set permissions:
> efw at HP3:~$ sudo konsole
> Password:
> I get the message:
> "Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-efw" is owned by uid 1000
> instead of uid 0.
> Link points to "/var/tmp/kdecache-root" "
> Switch to Kuser and see that it has given mpd the
> UID of 0, along with root
> So change this to 1001 (efw – myself – being
> 1000)
> Give up on that for now
> Open KPPP, (as usual) get 
> "/etc/resolv.conf is missing or can't be read!
> Ask your system administrator to create this file
> (can be empty) with 
> appropriate read and write permissions."
> Open KSysGuard, (as usual) get 
> "Error – KDE System Guard   Connection to
> localhost has been lost."
> Control Center, System Administration, Login
> Manager. Click on Administrator 
> Mode
> Enter password, get "Welcome to the KDE Control
> Center" a central place..."
> (Previously I was getting a right pane showing the
> "System Administration" 
> sub-items.)
> Leave the PC for about 30 seconds, return to find
> that Konqueror and OOo's 
> Writer have crashed leaving SIGSERV messages.
> (Konqueror and Writer are what I would need to use
> most! Writer often failed, 
> usually quickly, under SUSE. Hardly tried it under
> Kubuntu)
> > -- 
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com

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