[Wolves] OT: 2 Live8 tickets possibly available - Hyde Park this Saturday 2nd July

sparkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Thu Jun 30 19:23:37 BST 2005

Kevanf1 wrote:

>On 29/06/05, Lee Parkes <leep at bogus.net> wrote:
>>Oh, sorry, you we're being serious. The government aren't helping anyone except
>>themselves. We get more and more taxes yet no one seems to benefit from the
>Of course, the MP's haven't submitted their pay rise claim for this
>year have they....yet.
I think it's only fair to point out the nhs and social security are 
excellent when compared to 99% of the rest of the world.  Now if only we 
stopped using all those expensive bombs on under developed nations we 
they might get even better.


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