[Wolves] wanadoo broadband

roundyz roundyz at hotpop.com
Sat Nov 5 14:44:03 GMT 2005

On Saturday 05 Nov 2005 14:31, Mo Awkati wrote:
> Hi
> I don't have experience with wannado, but with others
> yes and they tend to be the same. Usually if the
> modem/router has an ethernet connection just connect
> the ethernet card from the pc to it, access the modem/
>  router through a browser (the address usually
> or access the modem or router
> settings, give user name and password as given by the
> ISP and you should be ok. Do close and reboot to
> activate.
> If the setup is a modem and router serving a small
> home network then you may need to tweak the router's
> settings to enable DHCP. Instructions with
> modem/router are usually ok

cheers mo.

So there is no software to activate it like there is with dial up?

I know you can get the router settings through your browser.

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