[Wolves] Software management on networks

Stuart Langridge sil at kryogenix.org
Wed Nov 16 14:54:04 GMT 2005

> > Step 3 is clearly the hard one. How do you allow "the ability to login
> > remotely via ssh in an automated manner" without giving all the
> > machines the same root password or recording all the root passwords in
> > the Master Machine r00table List?
> ssh public key authentication.
> Secure (!) central server which can log into the remote machines using
> public key encryption (hence scriptable etc). Works very well. See also
> clusterssh.

OK, I can see that. Next question: what happens about packages where
you don't want the config to be the default? Do you have to unpack the
debs and rebuild them with preconfigured answers to the debconf


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