[Wolves] RE: Anyone a citizen of loverly?

David Goodwin dg at clocksoft.com
Tue Sep 13 22:01:50 BST 2005

Bobby Singh wrote :
> Hello,
> Ok, again sorry about the spelling.
> > As I was saying, And especially now that the soviet
> > block has collapsed,ALL countries embrace the idea
> > of a free market
> I agree these former soviet bloc countries embraced
> free-markest has lead to poor people being poorer and
> has not been good.  Some areas have been corrupted,
> you need gov't interfernce to regulate monoplies and
> unstale markets.  Look at the UK stock exchange it is
> regulated by gov't.  (yes there are cynaical ceo's who
> annonce stuff at certain stock prices and reap the
> profits, which is simply bad).
> > most big international companies are not concerned 
> > with how much work went into the making of anything,
> > just how cheaply they can buy it for.  Very often 
> > food aid schemes to poorer countries help to destroy
> > local markets. 
> I agree i said a similar things in a prevoius post. 
> Also i am totaly against big bussiness but not big
> bussiness.
> > that old chestnut about Show me a country where
> > "another" system works, doesn't hold up, because
> > until you try something properly how do you know.  
> NO, it does, socilism has been tried out, the second
> point is more philosphical.  There may be a system out
> there better than capitiam and socialism lets find it
> and bringit on.
> > As a Socialist ( Oh how I used to hate people who
> > stood up in meetings and started a long speech with
> > that phrase), 
> Thats ok, because you are a socialist i don't care. 
> Just like what religon you beleive.  What ever
> Politics and faith someone has as long as he/she is
> good.
> > I would have to say many countries who
> > claimed to be as such, never practised it, russia,
> > china..... especially china.  
> Thats a complete classic.  It has not been tryed but
> it has.  Like comminiust say that a lot even today. 
> Socialism has been tried but i would not pick your
> examples as they are communism.  Also they are extrem
> examples.  Like in Chile with General Pinace was a
> dictor in a capitist country.  Yet those countries are
> extrems examples, in fact you just need to look at
> single countries and look at how its behaved with
> different free-market or socilist policys irrespective
> of gov't. (read on you will see what i mean).
> > Them feudal lords, in days of old didn't sit round
> > log fires in their castles saying "capitalism's crap
> > you show me a country where it works".
> Capitalist priniciples were practiced well before
> those feudal lords.  These ares lead to prosperty,
> science etc.
> > And since Russia went capitalist What Have they
> > produced apart from, Football club owning gangsters
> > and pornography.
> I agree like my point earlier.
> NOW here is what i have to say
> Look at Mayasia and Singopore.
> They had extreme poverty but with capitalist and
> free-market ideas lead to no poverty. (poverty i mean
> by no access to water, doctors and famine, these
> country have poverty but not to that extent.)

Singapore is quite wealthy I think you'll find (at least it certainly
appears that way when I visited there last!). Malaysia on the other hand
has some less than attractive zones (e.g. Johor)


David Goodwin
w: http://www.clocksoft.co.uk 
e: david.goodwin at clocksoft.com
t: 0121 313 3850

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