[Wolves] My new webpage.

chris procter chris-procter at talk21.com
Wed Sep 14 09:43:57 BST 2005

--- David Morley <davmor2 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have set up a very basic, as that is all I have
> learnt so far, Web
> page with an ambitiuos future.  It is at
> http://www.davmor2.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ could
> someone with more html
> experience have a look and let me know if the code
> so far is okay please.

Well it works nicely in Mozilla/Linux.

As for the code, it looks good but the center tag and
font tags are both best replaced by cascading
stylesheet (CSS) entries to make it easier to maintain
and to get consistant styling over multiple pages. 

That said (and some people will cringe at this) the
most important criteria for code correctness in html
is does it look right in whatever browser people use
to view it, if so great, if not its wrong even if the
code itself is beautiful, maintainable and perfectly
standards compliant.

If you want to check a page is valid html
http://validator.w3.org/ is a usefull tool but be
warned its very picky most pages will fail on


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