[Wolves] I'm sure you'll like this!

Kevanf1 kevanf1 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 17:49:30 GMT 2006

On 03/01/06, Wayne Morris <wayne at machx.co.uk> wrote:
> Kevanf1 wrote:
> >Hmmm, all I got was an empty page barring an advert at the top and a
> >text entry box at the bottom.  Maybe I'm missing a plug in, though it
> >didn't say so...
> >
> >
> Its a flash presentation that shows a Penguin sliding down a mountain in
> great loops, and finally the camera pans back
> and reveals the message cut into the mountain.
> A nice twist on those 'type in a message on a sign' webpages.
Ah, it's the old annoying plug in thing again then.  I upgraded
Firefox the other day.  But it doesn't take it's plug ins with it. 
That annoys me because I have to download another lot.  Except I've
stopped bothering now.
I am only human, please forgive me if I make a mistake it is not deliberate.
Take care this Xmas.  PLEASE DON'T drink and drive.
Kevan Farmer

Linux user #373362

Cheslyn Hay

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