[Wolves] Help writing a script file

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Thu May 18 16:15:13 BST 2006

On Thursday 18 May 2006 15:27, Simon Morris wrote:

This is what I wrote and saved it as iFolder-Log-script.sh

Then from a terminal over ssh did ./iFolder-Log-script.sh the  terminal gave 
no errors but it hasn't sent me a mail? I did a test mail from the terminal 
and that came through fine any ideas whats wrong?

---START SCRIPT---i-have-not included-this-line------


MAILTO=peter at cannon-linux.co.uk

mail -s "iFolder-Simias Logs" "${EMAILTO}" << EOF

Simias-Log `date +%e.%m.%Y` `date +%H:%M`

`tail -n 10 /var/lib/simias/log/Simias.log`

Adminweb-Log `date +%e.%m.%Y` `date +%H:%M`

`tail -n 10 /var/lib/simias/log/adminweb.log`

Web-Log `date +%e.%m.%Y` `date +%H:%M`

`tail -n 10 /var/lib/simias/log/web.log`


--END SCRIPT--this--line---not--included---

Peter Cannon
FC5 & SuSE10
Jabber:highwayman.turpin at gmail.com

"There is every excuse for not knowing
 There is no excuse for not asking"

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