[Wolves] 4 Bits of help Please

Peter Cannon peter at cannon-linux.co.uk
Wed May 31 16:23:30 BST 2006

On Wednesday 31 May 2006 16:11, Daniel Jones wrote:

> ::cough::

That's a bad cough? you need to either "Suck a fishermans friend" or "Rub Vic 
on your chest" ;)

S'funny you should pull something like that up, I have Debian Woody at home 
and although it grieves me to say it you can chuck Woody at just about 
anything and it works!

I've stuck loads of differant distros on things, failed, wiped, then stuck 
woody on (with no hardware changes) and its "Worked out of the box"

I will add this to the already growing plethora of HowTos


Peter Cannon
FC5 & SuSE10
Jabber:highwayman.turpin at gmail.com

"There is every excuse for not knowing
 There is no excuse for not asking"

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