[Wolves] EeePC eat my girls iPod's

Shane Martin Coughlan shane at shaneland.co.uk
Tue Aug 26 13:07:00 UTC 2008

dick_turpin wrote:
> Shane Martin Coughlan wrote:
>> Yes, delete everything you can find on the iPod and then go to iTunes
>> and plug in the iPod.  It should say "what??????" and then fix it.
> My only fear is if the so called *Restore* feature is failing to apply 
> then deleting everything won't work either.

It sounds like the database on the iPod was broken by the EEE
application.  When iTunes tries to talk with it to reload the music, it
seems to get something like "argh, wibble" as a reply, and gives up.
Removing the database may fix this.

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