[Wolves] The Linux version of ACT! search continues

Kevanf1 kevanf1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 10:09:20 GMT 2008

On 20/02/2008, ArchLinuxUser dick_turpin <dick_turpin at archlinux.us> wrote:
> Hi All
>  Hey Ron (and everyone else) I found another CRM package called epesi
>  http://www.epesi.org/index.php/Main_Page now this looks pretty good in
>  that its Companies based and you add contacts to the relevant company
>  as opposed to most of the others like Sugar being contact based.
>  It is missing a fair few things that I would need which prompted me to
>  ask a few questions;
>  1. If I added a field to the mysql database, i.e. counties, would that
>  make the database throw a wobbly?
>  2. Would I need to add some code/query to the PHP (Somewhere)? There
>  is already a field called 'Zone' which is their version of Counties or
>  State but only has data if you are in the USA so when you select
>  United Kingdom the 'Zone' drop down menu greys out which makes me
>  think that's because it does not have a UK counties table.
>  3. If for arguments sake I did some work on the *Installed* version I
>  have, how would one go about repackaging that for distribution? When
>  writing a program (if that's the correct term) do you have to create
>  it in some type of 'Vault' environment? I know its not as simple as
>  zipping up the folder.
>  Now before all the bottles and bricks start hurtling towards me I do
>  intend to post on their Forum but I get the feeling the project might
>  have stagnated looking at the dates of the last posts.
>  --
>  Regards
>  Dick Turpin
>  http://www.cannon-linux.co.uk

For some strange reason this has intrigued me.  I have no use for
databases other than those used in the system itself.  However, many,
many years ago I used to be a database wizard.  This is going back to
DOS dBase IV stuff and FoxPro though.  Anyway, is this Epesi a shell
sort of thing that wraps around a ready made database?  If so, and it
is open source then there has to be somewhere to change both the
static zones from states to counties and the relationship from the
country to those new zones.

Ok, go on, I can take the laughter :-)  it seems sensible to me though....

Kevan Farmer
Linux user #373362

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