[Wolves] Free to good home.

Kris Douglas krisdouglas at gmail.com
Sat Dec 5 21:14:51 UTC 2009

> *) 10 quite nasty 1u rack servers (1.2 GHz P3 approx, 1 PATA disk, 512MB
> RAM), most working, some for spares only.

I wouldn't mind taking a couple of these machines off your hands... As
soon as the word nasty was mentioned i was practically in. =]. Say 3?

> *) 3 x 1.4 GHZ AMD PCs. 512MB RAM and 20 GB disks I think. Generously
> donated by Ron but I can't legitimise hanging on to them any longer.

Would make some nice test LTSP machines and messabout units. Would it
be mean of me to say i would take 2? :) I'll take the three if you
want :)

> * Lots of CDs, many Windows games, Office 2000, Works Suite 2001, Win NT
> 4.0 workstation, Win95,, old Red Hat, Solaris 7, Oracle 9 for Windows,
> Cisco study guides, misc TV shows.

Could I please have O2k and NT4?

Thanks Adam :)
Kris Douglas

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