[Wolves] Dropbox as your home directory

Peter Cannon dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Thu Feb 18 09:50:20 UTC 2010

Hi All

Here's Pete's musings for today which I'll put in bullet points that should make
it shorter.

1. Would it be possible to have Dropbox (Or Ubuntu one (when it works)) as your
/home/(dropbox)username directory?
2. If so then other machines could have the same setup?
3. That would would mean 'your profile' across any machine regardless of location.

And now the $64 Billion dollar question

I wonder how hard it would be to incorporate that in a distro? Obviously during
the install procedure (useradd) you'd have to choose your desired install,
A. Proceed with standard /home setup
B. Proceed with Dropbox /home setup (Your user name and login details will be

Now I'd use that and its my definition of *Cloud Computing* not this stupid stuff
that effectively is short cuts on your desktop to internet applications.

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