[Wolves] Server hire

Stephen Welch bigfishinnet at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 10:31:01 UTC 2011

On 3 August 2011 22:49, Nigel R <nigelren at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Hiya
> I'm new to the group and first post, but thought I'd mention I have a server
> sat here which I use occasionally.
> Down side is that it's a bit of a lump - it's a DL585 - upgraded so it's a
> G5 - 4xOpteron 8356 (16 cores), 24GB ram, 1TB disk(2x500GB).  I have 3 more
> hot swap caddies so more drives can be added if you have spare 2.5" drives.
> Raid card with 256MB BBWC.  Other down side is that it's a bit noisy.
> It's currently set up as a Ubuntu 10.04 - UEC Node Controller, but can
> easily be rebuilt.
> Let me know if you'd be interested.
> Nigel

I really like the casual way Nigel describes he has a DL585 sitting here!! :-)

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