[Wolves] Does the LUG need a bigger penguin?

Alex Willmer alex at moreati.org.uk
Thu Aug 4 23:27:59 UTC 2011

On 4 August 2011 23:04, James Turner <james at turnersoft.co.uk> wrote:
> Thought this was an intersting photo...
> http://i.zdnet.com/gallery/6270015-610-407.jpg

For some reason that downloaded as 6270015-610-407.null. Opening that
fired up Wine Internet Explorer. Suddenly I feel a bit dumber.

Sinceer^w Sinsere^w Sincerly^w From, Alex

PS I know it was a hoax, get your finger away from that reply button :)
Alex Willmer <alex at moreati.org.uk>

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